
Ever since I can remember, I’ve had this thing with October being my favorite month.

The cool weather and changing leaves, yellows and golds and oranges splashed with red, glowing in the evening sun and floating to the ground to dry for that satisfying crunch under your feet. I also like Halloween.

For years I’d kind of lay for October. In October I’d be present and happy. In October the days would feel wide and unbothered. In October I’ll be rejuvenated.

Inevitably, October would roll around and I’d hardly even notice. Then, just as soon as it started, it would end, leaving me with the feeling that I hadn’t been paying close enough attention.

These days, October reminds me to not wait to enjoy life. And while I still look forward to the fall for its brilliant palette and cozy flannels, I also cherish the summer for its hot sun and long days, just as I love the winter for its invigorating cold. And even though I could do without all the mud and guck, spring’s blossoms and rain are pretty alright too.
