
One of my favorite phrases is "of course."

These days, people say it to mean "yeah" or "sure.” Like, an agreement--which is all well and cool and all, but it ain't the of course I'm on about.

I'm here for the of course that's innate expression. The natural outgrowth. The fruit of the root. The characteristics and behaviors that run of course.

That of course comes from what's inside--your core, essence and character. Your psychological spring at a cross-section in time. That deep well influencing the circumstances of your life.

And if you don't give a shit about that, that's cool. But you may find this interesting: the word "course" really gets around.

You can answer of course. You can answer "of course." The seasons hold their course, you can head to the course and halfway there change course. Hell, you can take a course, you can eat a course, you can lay a course of bricks and you can even course your hounds!

Can you believe that shit?!

Anyways, my main kick is with this natural outgrowth thing.

Because sometimes it rains and the river flows, of course.

And also when it rains the river flows of course.
