
I've thought a lot about my limitations.

How tired I've been. The times I haven't felt particularly smart or creative. Those moments when my eyes won't seem to focus and my legs don't want to walk or run or ride--when I worry there's only so much: time, money, mojo, whatever.

I've judged myself for those limitations. Compared them to some ideal: The highs. Clever ideas and hilarious jokes. Strong nights at the gym. Seeing friends and laughing and having fun. Waking up with a rock-hard erection.

But doing that makes it easy to feel like something's wrong. That there might not be enough. It's an excuse not to act--to conserve and wait. To avoid. And that's largely been my MO: scarcity. Until the other day, when I found this.

"Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it."

And that got me thinkin'.

I've never--not once--collapsed of fatigue. Despite feeling unfocused, my work assignments get turned in, on time. I pay my bills and take care of my children. I can see their faces through the floaters and scuffed-up glasses. And, even when I really, really don't want to, I can get the fuck up and go.

So I guess I realized something. I've always had enough to do what I need to do when I need to do it. And enough is enough. That's abundance.

I'm thinking it might be a good idea to remember that.
